Online Tutoring For Short Term Courses

We provide online tutoring and mentoring for all the course packages offered in our Training Program. This will be very useful for all the candidates who don't have access to our training services directly. The basic requirement for this service is a fast internet  connection where your tutor can directly explain the concepts either using your PC or using the Tutors PC. People who want to study at their own convenience and people from outside Kerala and India will find this option very useful. We also provide support for our Training CD's too. All tutors are fluent in English Language and the medium of instruction will be English.

We also provide Online Project Guidance for your Academic and other Projects. If you are stuck in the middle of a problem and don't know how to proceed, then our online project guidance might be useful for you. We helped hundreds of students and professionals in the past and you can expect a good helping hand if we take up the work.
If you want to avail this service, kindly fill up the Service Request form below. One of our representative will be in touch with you soon with all the relevant information.


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