iOS App Development Training
Posted Date Unknown rajesh dhnashire 0 Comment

iOS is a operating system for apple phones. It was developed by Apple Inc. and it is scattered completely for Apple hardware. This operating system has a potential to run iPhones, iPads, iPods, Apple computers, and Apple TVs. The user interface of iOS is based on the conception of direct manipulation using multi touch gestures. This operating system takes input from touch screen with the help of human finger or touch stick. We can swipe, tap, and pinch the screen to manipulate objects on screen. Some devices has internal accelerometers which is used by some application to respond to shaking the device or we can rotate it in three dimensions. iOS uses Core foundation framework which provides UI toolkit rather than Appkit framework. Therefore the iOS applications are not compatible with OS X applications. XNU kernel is used in iOS it is kernel of Darwin. Some Features of Android Operating System.

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