Short Term Course on Software Product Engineering

Building a Successful Product form concept to reality is every Engineers dream. But in practice,  it may not be the case. This might be because of the fact that the product itself is not reliable or may not accommodate the customers current as well as future requirements. This is where the role of Systematic Well Defined Engineering Approach to the development of Software (otherwise called Software Product Engineering ) is coming into picture.

We at KTS have enough hands on experience in this field as we have developed several small to medium scale products for our self and for other customers. Based on these experiences we had developed our new hands on course in Software Product Engineering.  In this course we will teach you not only the theoretical aspects , but will also show you how to systematically develop a Software Product from start to finish by developing a small software product from concept to reality.  This course will also discuss about the Quality Standards like CMM Level 3 and will apply these methodologies in the software product development.

Any student or professional wanting to make a successful career as a Software Engineer or as a Technical Architect will find this hands on course useful.

If you want to know more about the course , please fill up the form below. One of our representative will be in touch with you soon.

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